A big part of being eco-friendly is about reusing materials that you already have, recycling objects you no long need, and minimizing the total number of things you need. When it comes to moving, being eco-friendly not only saves the environment, it also saves you money.
Palm Springs is an environmentally conscious city, and you can see that in its dedication to wind power. The San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm contains 4,000 turbines and supplies electricity to the entire Coachella Valley. So, join the green spirit of Palm Springs and consider these eco-friendly moving tips.
Save On Packing Materials
Once they decide they're moving, one of the first things people do is take a trip to the store to pick up cardboard boxes, packing peanuts, and bubble wrap. By the time they're said and done, they've invested a fair chunk of change into purchasing packing materials that they're going to use once and then likely throw away.
Instead, get a little creative with your packing materials. Look at garbage cans, suitcases, and dresser drawers as prospective containers you can use to transport your belongings. Alternatively, you can go to the grocery store and ask them for old produce boxes that they aren't using anymore. Generally, they'll be more than happy to give them to you for a discounted rate, or even for free.
You can also purchase plastic tubs or wooden crates. These have the added benefit of stacking exceptionally well. The major perk of these is that they can be used over and over again. If you know you'll be moving again in the future, this can be an appealing feature. Considering that they stack well when empty too, these can be a great moving and storage solution.
Replace packing peanuts and bubble wrap with clothes, dish clothes, and other soft items around your home. You'll find you not only save on packing materials, you'll also make the most of your space while still protecting all of your important belongings.
Use Biodegradable Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning is hard to avoid when you're in the process of moving. As boxes vanish from your old home, you'll find pockets of dirt that need cleaning, and as you populate your new home you're likely to find patches here and there in the backs of cupboards or in the corners of rooms that could benefit from a few suds.
Having that said, many cleaning products contain chemicals that take a long time to degrade into harmless solutions. Many never do, and considering the fact that the bulk of chemicals go down the drain, this can present a concern to the environment. So consider picking up some eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Most stores will feature a small selection of biodegradable cleaning products. Or, you can make your own with materials you have around the house. Baking soda, lemon, Borax, and white vinegar can all be used to help you clean your home.
Reduce Your Load
One of the best ways to make your move simpler and more eco-friendly is to get rid of objects that you don't need anymore. Recycle old appliances, clear out old clothes you don't wear, and donate old books to the local second hand shop. If you have the time and you don't mind spending an afternoon on the project, you can even host a garage sale and make a few dollars off of the old items you won't be using any more. Later, you'll also find that unpacking is that much easier because you'll have less objects to unpack.
Minimize Travel
Travel expenses are one of the most costly parts of moving. Especially if you'll be moving a substantial distance, it pays to only have to make one trip. As such, once you've reduced your load, try to pack efficiently and get everything into one load. Even if you have to rent a trailer to make it fit, you'll still likely save some cash on gas.
If hiring a moving company is inevitable, consider working with a moving company that specializes in green moves. Some use biofuel to help reduce their carbon footprint.
For more information about moving to Palm Springs and purchasing real estate in the area, contact Geoffrey Moore. As a resident of Palm Springs and an expert in the area, he can help you find the home that meets your needs, lifestyle, and budget requirements.
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