Making the decision to be greener in your home is not only great for the climate but has recently become more economically viable for most. Most green appliances or energy efficient updates to the home are no longer out of reach for middle class Americans; as the technology driving these items has improved the costs of these items have become much more affordable and accessible to the public.
The public’s acceptance of climate change has grown substantially in the past ten years, and it’s no longer strange to be concerned about your own carbon footprint if for no other reason than saving money. The goal of this post is to help the average home owner find ways to lower their impact on the environment and in turn, save some green as well. Here are some tips to greenify your home:
1. Seal Your Windows
When you have small gaps or other ways your air can leak out of your home, you waste a lot of heating and cooling energy. Use silicone caulk to seal the cracks in your drywall. In other extreme winter condition cities, shrink wrapping windows is popular. Although a minor change, it can make a big difference in your heating and cooling efficiency.
2. Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water
Washing your clothes in cold water saves a dramatic amount of energy, considering water heating is typically the second highest energy expensein your home. Cold water washing also benefits the colors of your clothes and can make your clothes last longer than washing in hot water.
3. Changing Your Light Bulbs
Replacing your incandescent bulbs with LED’s or CFL bulbs can save a significant amount of energy. CFL’s use about 70% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer. Contact your local energy company to see if they have a program for free energy efficient bulbs, many often do and that can help offset the costs.
4. Use a Programmable Thermostat
Using a programmable thermostat optimizes the heating and cooling operations within your home by only running your HVAC system when necessary. Since heating and cooling are typically the biggest energy user, a programmable thermostat can make a significant impact right away.
5. Repair Leaky Faucets
Leaky taps can waste 140 gallons of water per week. Most faucet repairs are simple and can be done in the matter of 10-20 minutes with a few tools and YouTube. Not only will you save some money in water costs, but you’ll learn a valuable skill as well!
6. Install A Low-Flow Shower Head
Water costs a lot and using a shower head that isn’t low-flow wastes valuable water which is expensive and unnecessary. Modern low-flow shower head models can achieve higher water pressure than those of old, so fear not if you like a powerful shower!
7. Add Attic Insulation
By adding insulation to your attic, you drastically improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. It’s also one of the highest return on investment home improvement projectsa homeowner can take on, so if you have some extra money consider putting this at the top of your list.
8. Replace Old Appliances
Older appliances have been significantly out paced by modern technology when it comes to energy efficiency. When your older appliances start to give you trouble, consider upgrading to an Energy Star certified model. If possible, upgrade them one by one that way you can offset the initial costs with time in between.
Greenifying your home is just one way to do your part in keeping Palm Springs beautiful. If you’d like to find a homewith more of these upgrades, let’s talk!
Posted by Geoffrey Moore on
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