Moving to Palm Springs when you’re not ready or prepared to retire can be challenging. I know. I moved here five years ago without a job or a career I could pursue in the desert and there was no way I could stop working. I had been a commercial still life photographer in San Francisco and I knew that career wasn’t an option in the Palm Springs area. I thought about trying to change my business model to focus on weddings and real estate photography, but I really didn’t like doing that kind of photography. It was obvious I had to change gears altogether and I had to act fast. I had reinvented myself three times before, so I had some experience in the process. I started by looking at the possible careers in the Palm Springs area. Since Palm Springs is a resort and second-home town, career choices are fairly limited. I knew I didn’t want to go back to school and get another degree, so I focused on careers I could start fairly quickly. That narrowed the field even more. I then focused on the skills I had accumulated over the years and began matching those skills with the narrow list of careers I assembled. I had been a professional ballet dancer, a marketing manager for an online retailer, a caterer/private chef, an Apple Tech, and a photographer. So I had a lot of performing and customer service experience, I was very computer savvy and I had a keen visual sense. I had also run my own business and worked for myself, so I knew how to market myself and stay motivated. The choice of career paths for me seemed obvious. Real estate was the natural choice. But I realize real estate isn’t for everyone. There are other career and job options in the Palm Springs area and I don’t think the fear of finding employment should deter anyone from moving here. Finding your way just takes a little creativity and self-exploration.

If you’re thinking about moving to Palm Springs full-time or just thinking about purchasing a second home here, give me a call.  I’d be happy to share my experience with you and guide you through the process.  You’ll love this town and the people in it.  What are you waiting for?  Come join our town!

Posted by Geoffrey Moore on


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